Human Resources Solutions for Private Equity

Is your human resources plan aligned to maximize your exit strategy? We ensure your people plan is optimized and aligned for accelerated growth and successful exit.


How I Help

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Private equity held companies have many unique and pressing talent and human resources needs.

  • Is our organization ready and equipped to execute our investment strategy?

  • Do we have the right organizational structure to scale?

  • Which employees can go the distance?

  • What are our people landmines?

  • What functions need immediate help?

  • Can our CEO perform quickly and successfully?

I work with private equity firms and private equity held companies to answer these questions and by so doing, align the human resources function and organizational capabilities to your business exit strategy.

Learn more about how I can help transform HR into a strategic advantage in your company and exit.


About Me


Having spent my entire career in human resources my true passion is aligning the human resources function and organizational capabilities to the business exit strategy of private equity held businesses.

I create a human resources function and capabilities that maximize talent, improve efficiency and profitability, strengthen operations and increase the competitive positioning of your business. My goal is to make your people and human resources practices, processes and strategy a value added asset in your exit process.


  • Hexcel
  • WB
  • CBRE
  • GE
  • HealthEgde

What People Say

  • Jennifer is a progressive and forward thinking HR professional. She combines traditional HR competencies with exceptional solution based creative problem solving that generates positive outcomes and direction for the people of organizations as well as the enterprise. Jennifer has fantastic strategic skills and is very adept at understanding the direction of an organization and matching the talent necessary to grow and building organizational succession that allows companies to succeed in the near and future term. Her positive energy and initiative is a tremendous asset.

    Mark Bendix - President Grupo Bimbo
  • Jennifer is a highly professional, creative, service oriented leader with high standards of performance and integrity. I worked with Jennifer in a number of challenging circumstances including starting up business operations, on-boarding talent, designing the organization and resolving various conflicts. Jen always delivered and acted as an exemplary professional. She is a business person with extensive HR skills.

    Glen Wakeman, CEO - CoFounder LaunchPad Holdings LLC
  • Jennifer worked on several different engagements for ISHR Group over the course of two years and was always the consummate professional. Our clients appreciated the value and energy that Jennifer brought to the table, particularly as it applied to Executive Coaching and Team Dynamics/Facilitation. She is passionate about her work, and understands the dynamic of balancing traditional HR with the wisdom of providing a more integrative and holistic approach to HR.

    Monique Honaman - Founder / CEO ISHR Group
  • Jennifer exemplifies the modern-day “people person”. She gets people. And she utilises best-in-class tools and techniques to help everyone reach greater heights; especially when it comes to working with with others, motivation, listening, communicating, etc. If you need someone to help establish or tweak/improve your Company’s culture, you need not look further than Jennifer. If you need someone to coach, motivate and bring an HR team AND organisation, to greater emotional intelligence heights, you need not look further than Jennifer. Whoever has Jennifer on their team is exposing their people to an amazing education in “what it is to be human.

    Libby Swan - CEO, PRXDN

  Get in Touch

Please contact me via phone